Have you noticed emerging sleeping problems that have kept you from getting a full night’s rest? Or have sleeping problems been an ongoing issue and you’re ready to deal with it? Sleeping problems can have many causes and effects and our dentist in Queen Creek, AZ can help.

Sleep problems that we treat range from snoring to sleep apnea. Our dentist can help you, and your partner, get a full night’s rest every night. Sleep is an important part of staying healthy and we want to help you get the best sleep you can.

Sleep Dentistry Treatments

When working with our dentist to treat sleeping problems, we will fit you with a custom oral guard. This guard will prevent snoring and sleep apnea for a full night of rest. They pull the jaw forward and open the airway. When the airway is not blocked, you can sleep easier.

Dr. Alexander will work with you to ensure that your custom guard fits perfectly in your mouth. Since you will be wearing it all night, we want to ensure that it will fit comfortably without affecting your teeth.

Buying over-the-counter guards can help alleviate your sleep problems. But our custom-made guards are designed to fit perfectly in your mouth for optimal sleep benefits. With our guards, you can be certain that it will help you get a better night’s sleep without adjustments.

Sleep Dentistry Benefits

Even though visiting a dentist for sleep problems may not make sense, we can help you get a better night’s sleep. Our guards will help you breathe better at night while not affecting your teeth. Other benefits of our sleep dentistry services include

  • More rested in the morning
  • Happier sleeping partner
  • More consistent sleep hours

Alexander Family Dental can help with more than teeth and gums. We can also help you sleep better every night.

If you are having difficulty staying asleep or don’t feel rested in the morning, it is time to consult with Dr. Alexander. For more information about sleep dentistry in Queen Creek, AZ, contact our team to schedule a consultation. We are ready to help you sleep better!

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